Jake Cuddihy

Game Designer

About Death+

Death+ is a wave based FPS built in Unreal Engine 4 in eight weeks for a senior game design course at DigiPen. 
I used this project to improve my understanding of the relationship between C++ gameplay code and blueprint script in online networked games.
Gameplay logic is implemented in C++ and additional visual/audio interactions are scripted in Blueprint.
A single base weapon class I created in C++ handles core functionality like spawning projectiles, tracking ammo, and replicating that information to the client for uses like BP implementable events to play effects and audio.

With a few parameter changes I could tune a shotgun to feel more like a pump-action firing a scatter spread of pellets, or a fast automatic launching single slugs.
Scoring potential enemy spawn locations
Various iterations of logic using EQS (environment query system) to determine locations away from the player, out of sight, on nav mesh, and away from existing units before spawning in new units.
Iteration over time
* Learning about basic weapon rigging and animation in Blender, weapon creation workflow in Unreal was another focus of the project
* Starting concept: a first person dodge ball game, early before and after footage comparing builds
Unlock three levels by reaching highscores, new weapons are found in session.

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